We are interested in purchasing sites to develop out ourselves or as a joint venture. Our speciality being Student Accommodation, BTR and multi-use Business Units.
We are pleased to carry out development management duties including;
Site assessment and appraisal.
Site purchase agreement and management.
Due diligence and constraints analysis.
Planning strategy and management.
Planning appeal strategy management.
Planning condition discharge management.
RoL review and strategy.
Funding agreement input and management.
Construction procurement oversight and strategy.
Development master programme overview.
Construction documentation and warranty oversight and strategy.
Construction lead-in and site preparation management.
Construction monitoring overview and management of key controls.
Funding compliance CPs and draw down.
Completion mechanics and compliance oversight.
Final draw down and documentation.
Operational readiness and marketing.
Letting and tenant liaison oversight.
Operation liaison and strategy.
Disposal due diligence.